⚡ Trending : दीमाग हो तो उत्तर दो 🚴+🎾+🍌+🐒= फिल्म का नाम?
A patient after Injury visited his Doctor
He gave some pills and wrote on case paper
History – he had ‘Pholenfrometry’
The worried patient, though relieved met several specialists to get his diagnosis of ‘Pholenfrometry’ cleared…
Finally he called up his old Doctor to ask, when he replied
“You yourself told me you had “Fallen from a Tree”, That’s it!
Moral for Doctors – Don’t use own made up abbreviations and short forms, write History properly
😂 Joke : पप्पू पर बिजली का तार गिर गया # Joke
☕ Whatsapp Game : Whatsapp Game : What will you get this Xmas?